What are the functions of blue/green infrastructure?

Blue/green infrastructure not only represents an ecological value, but can also fulfill multiple other functions, such as sustainable food production, natural water retention, recreation and green lung.
These functions provided by nature, are called ecosystem services:



  • Biodiversiteit

    Nature and biodiversity

    Valleys in a peri-urban context often serve as hotspots for protected fauna and flora, such as the tree frog, the grass snake or rare orchids.

  • Educatie

    Environmental education

    People building their own living environment, learn more about nature and appreciate it more.

  • Voedselproblematiek

    Sustainable food production

    A standard tree orchard or pesticide free community garden provides local sustainable food.

  • Waterkwaliteit

    Water quality improvement

    Enhanced water quality is favorable for people, animals and plants.

  • Gezondheid

    Health and well-being

    Green spots not only provide fresh air but also offer a retreat from urban stress.

  • Groene leefomgeving

    Green living environments

    Attractive green neighbourhoods and green elements between residences increase real estate value.

  • Waterkwantiteit

    Water retention

    Naturally meandering streams not only stimulate biodiversity, but also act as water buffers offering protection against flooding during heavy rainfall events.

  • Groene bedrijfsomgeving

    Green business sites

    Working in a beautiful green landscape enhances productivity and well-being.

  • Klimaatadaptatie

    Climate adaptation

    Green climate-proof environments can help to cope with climate change impacts, such as alternating periods of drought and heavy rain.

  • Recreatie

    Green environments for outdoor activities and as meeting places

    Green spots in a peri-urban context can be designed as attractive places to meet people. By connecting these stepping stones, a green network is developed that stimulates cycling, hiking, jogging,...