EU Inspiration guide to peri-urban green infrastructure
Presentation 'Urban Grey Colouring Green & Blue' - Pieter De Corte
Presentation 'Landinrichting in de Vlaamse Rand' - Luc Vander Elst
Duo presentation Zaventem (Ingrid Holemans & Luc Vander Elst)
Duo presentation Genk (Wim Dries & Karel Stevens)
Presentation Ile de France (Maxime Zucca)
Video 'Urbanism, architecture and biodiversity: when nature inspires cities and buildings' (ARB Ile-de-France)
Workshop 1: Nature Based Solutions
Workshop 2: Co-creation & participation with multiple stakeholders
Workshop 3: Integrated Projects
Workshop 4: Climate Mitigation & Adaptation
Project fiche Green4Grey + pictograms
leaflet European Comission 'Building a Green Infrastructure for Europe'
manual EU with best practices and innovative solutions for green/blue infrastructure in other LIFE+ projects
Land development plan Schansbroek
First design for the community area Schansbroek (info moment 28 february 2015)
Map with possible water quantity measures for Slagmolen
Map integrated design for Horing