On 17 November 2017 Integraal Waterbeleid organizes her fourth day of the 'Demer'. It wil be an interesting day! A visit to Schansbroek and Slagmolen is planned in the afternoon. These are two areas within the project area of Green4Grey. Afterwards, a visit to the nature and ponds reserve 'De Maten' is planned.
In the morning, an update of the projects and the quality of the Stiemer and Demer water will be given. Participants can also get to know two innovative projects for the Stiemer: the development of the valley park in Genk (also subject to the Green4Grey project) and the ecological development of campus Diepenbeek.
The seminar is free but subscription is necessary. You can do this until today via mail to secretariaat_demer [at] vmm.be.