Development of a peri-urban park (Kerremanspark) to counter the urban expansion and green development of a local business site (Zellik, Asse)
The area of Horing, in the valley of the Molenbeek in Asse, is one of the few remaining open spaces in between the nortwestern part of the city of Brussels and the ring around Brussels.
It is a former agricultural area that has become less interesting for intensive agriculture due to city expansion. The natural value of the Kerremanspark is currently limited, but has great potential as it is located close to the forest of Laarbeek, a Natura2000-area. It could become a green stepping stone towards the forest. Equally, this densely populated suburban area is in need of a green area that can serve as a meeting and outdoor recreation place. The business site of Zellik currently is an ecological barrier for developing a network of green stepping stones.
In this project area the main goal is to stop the expansion of the grey infrastructure. Therefore a new ecologically developed park can become an ecological stepping stone, but also an area for walking, recreation and social interaction for residents, visitors and employees of the business site. The ecological development consists of planting additional forest, creating natural grasslands and natural redevelopment of the Molenbeek water course. For and together with the users of the park, walking paths and resting areas will be developed. In cooperation with the local businesses a greener and more ecologically friendly business site will be developed.
Contact us with all your questions/remarks regarding this project.