Works in neighborhood park Schansbroek
The Flemish Land Agency is working in Schansbroek for the Green4Grey project (development of park Schansbroek). Employees of the nearby Thor Park can use the new facilities in the future. Moreover, the Schansbroek park is the start point for walks in 'De Wijers'.
11 hiking tracks on map
Nearby Schansbroek, on the border to Genk, As and Opglabbeek, you find an area with almost all elements that are typical for the 'Hoge Kempen': minestone mountains in the middle of heath and pinewood, a streamvalley (Stiemerbeek), juniper thicket (Heiderbos) and dune land (Klaverberg).
Remarkable buildings make the landscape: from the formal Child Colony in As to the coal mines of Waterschei or het mine cathedral of Zwartberg. No wonder that it is part of the UNESCO application of the 'Hoge Kempen'.
In order to make this area accessible the 'Regionaal Landschap Kempen en Maasland' created 11 new hiking tracks from 2 tot 16 kilometers. The handy hiking map 'Thor Park' with more than 40 kilometers signposted hiking tracks, helps you on track and gives more information about the region.
Grand opening with info corner about the works
On 8 October the grand opening of the hiking area takes place in the Thor Park. Green4Grey will be present with an info corner about the development activities in the neighborhood park. Curious? You are welcome to find out this new hiking area. The shepherd presents you his sheep. In the recent renovated building Thor Central you can take a break and enjoy a drink. You can also participate in a guided tour with Rangers at 2, 3 and 4 pm.